Ratio analysis隸屬于F2教材的PART E performance measurement. 在ACCA F2的考綱中,希望參加F2的考生可以計算出重要的指標,并且能夠掌握這個指標測量的內容及其特殊的意義。在這篇文章中,主頁君主要為大家分析以下四個方面的指標,即:profitability, liquidity, activity and gearing.

Profitability (盈利能力)

Return on capital employed (ROCE) = operating profit / (non-current liabilities + total equity) %

Return on sales (ROS) = operating profit / revenue %

Gross margin = gross profit / revenue %

Return on capital employed: ROCE measures the return that is being earned on the capital invested in the business.

很多考生在計算ROCE的時候,都很困惑怎樣選擇合適的profit 和 capital figures?

其實這個問題的關鍵是使用的profit和capital figures是否相匹配。比如:operating profit ( profit before interest ) 中包含分配給債權人的利息和股東的股利。因此,operating profit 應該與長期資本(non-current liabilities + total equity)相匹配;同理,如果我們使用的僅是普通股東的收益(return on ordinary shareholders ), 相應地,我們應該使用息稅后凈利潤PAIT (profit after interest and tax divided by total equity )與之相對應。

一般來說,ROCE 越高越好,但是也要考慮其對應的風險(收益越高,風險越大),因此,ROCE一般用于比較同一風險水平下的不同的投資回報率。

Return on sales: looks at operating profit earned as a percentage of revenue.

一般來說,ROS 越高越好。同時,一個較低的ROS ratio在大多情況下,是由較低的銷售價格或較高成本所造成的。

Gross margin: measures the percentage of gross profit on revenue.

ROS關注的是扣除完non-production overheads后的operating profit; 而gross margin僅關注公司的商業(yè)活動(prior to non-production overheads);一般來說,Gross margin越高越好,同時,一個較差的績效經常是由低的銷售價格或者高的生成本所造成的。

The relationship between return on sales and gross margin

ROCE = ROS * asset turnover


比如:A business has a return on sales of 5% and an asset turnover of 2, then its ROCE will be 10% ( 5% * 2).



Current ratio = current assets / current liabilities

Acid test ratio = (current assets – inventory) / current liabilities

Current ratio(流動比例): It assesses the company’s ability to meet its short-term liabilities.


事實上,流動比例也不是越高越好。Cash is often described as an “idle asset “because it earns on return, and in fact, carrying too much cash is considered wasteful. 因此, 如果一個公司有個相對較高的流動比率,可能暗示著這個公司不能夠充分地利用短期資本。

Acid test ratio (速凍比率):recognise that inventory often takes a long time to convert into cash. 與流動比率不同的是它將存貨(inventory)從流動資產中扣減了,因為存貨的變現能力相比于其他的流動資產還是很弱的。一般來說,速凍比率應該大于1:1,但是在現實中,很多成功的大公司的速凍比率都是低于1:1.

