


     1.倫理道德與專業(yè)準(zhǔn)則(Ethical and Professional Standards)


新增考綱:c.describe professions and how they establish trust;

取消了對(duì)framework for ethical decision making的應(yīng)用(apply)要求。

     2.數(shù)量方法(Quantitative Methods)

刪除Discounted Cash Flow。Technical Analysis移去組合而非真正刪除。增加Correlation coefficient。

刪除整個(gè)Reading.Discounted Cash Flow Applications

     Reading 7.Statistical Concepts and Market Returns中,2020年相比2019年考綱取消了對(duì)夏普比率(Sharpe ratio)的計(jì)算和解釋要求。

     Reading 11.Hypothesis Testing中,新增考綱:k.formulate a test of the hypothesis that the population correlation coefficient equals zero and determine whether the hypothesis is rejected at a given level of significance;

原Reading 13.Technical Analysis整體移動(dòng)到組合管理(Portfolio Management)部分。

     3.公司財(cái)報(bào)分析(Financial Reporting Analysis)





Reading20.Financial Reporting Standards:會(huì)計(jì)準(zhǔn)則、美國(guó)準(zhǔn)則與國(guó)際準(zhǔn)則的對(duì)比、barriers to convergence,財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)告的objective、desirable assumption等內(nèi)容

     Reading 21 Understanding Income Statements:LOS d中有關(guān)特殊收入確認(rèn)原則

     Reading26.Long-lived asset:融資租賃和直接購(gòu)買資產(chǎn)的對(duì)比的內(nèi)容

     4.公司金融(Corporate Finance)

     在Capital Budgeting里新增了一個(gè)los,對(duì)比NPV和IRR的decision rule。去年的勘誤已在今年新教材內(nèi)修改。

     新增考綱:f contrast the NPV decision rule to the IRR decision rule and identify problems associated with the IRR rule。

     5.固定收益投資(Fixed income)


     新增考綱:f calculate annual yield on a bond for varying compounding periods in a year。


     在Derivative Market and Instrument新增一個(gè)要求。R48和R49對(duì)比去年增加很多課后題。

     新增考綱d determine the value at expiration and profit from a long or a short position in a call or put option;

     Reading 49.Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation中,

     新增考綱c.calculate a forward price of an asset with zero,positive,or negative net cost of carry;

     刪除原考綱i.explain how the value of a European option is determined at expiration。

     7.投資組合(Portfolio Management)

     R52和R54新增一個(gè)要求,以前也有涵蓋,今年單列凸顯重要性。Technical Analysis為原來數(shù)量的內(nèi)容,其實(shí)感覺技術(shù)分析放到組合管理里更加合理一些。

     Reading 51.Portfolio Management:An Overview中,新增考綱:b describe the steps in the portfolio management process;

     Reading 52.Portfolio Risk and Return:Part I中,新增考綱:b.compare the money-weighted and time-weighted rates of return and evaluate the performance of portfolios based on these measures

     Reading 54.Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction中,新增考綱:h describe how environmental,social,and governance(ESG)considerations may be integrated into portfolio planning and construction.


