ACCA-特許公認會計師公會成立于1904年,是目前世界上最大及最有影響力的專業(yè)會計師組織之一,在160多個國家共設(shè)有300多個考點,擁有學生和會員超過二十五萬人,ACCA課程全面,現(xiàn)已被聯(lián)合國采用作為全球會計課程的藍本。想必想在會計方面有所發(fā)展的同學們對ACCA應(yīng)該都不陌生。現(xiàn)在有越來越多的ACCA學生在大學畢業(yè)之際或在工作幾年后選擇申請到國外的大學就讀碩士課程。澤稷網(wǎng)校整理了國外大學和ACCA有關(guān)的一些碩士項目供有意海外留學的學員參考。 相關(guān)的碩士項目分為兩類:

第一類的招生對象包括已經(jīng)通過ACCA F1-F9科目或者獲得F1-F9免試的ACCA學生,某些課程的設(shè)置令學生有機會在碩士學習的同時準備ACCA專業(yè)階段課程的考試 (此類碩士項目標注為Category I)

第二類的招生對象包括ACCA全科通過的學生,或者對于ACCA全科通過的學生有一定程度的優(yōu)惠待遇 (此類碩士項目標注為Category II)

下面為大家介紹一下University of Gloucestershire的ACCA碩士項目。

The University of Gloucestershire, based in the glorious Cotswolds, is founded on a tradition of providing high quality education for more than a century and a half.

The MSc in Accounting and Financial Management has been designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge demanded by employers and will give you a competitive edge in the job market. If you’re a finance professional, holder of a relevant degree or have passed ACCA Fundamentals stage, it is a chance to explore advances in accounting and corporate governance, management accounting and corporate finance and valuation.

Each module offers a combination of practical and research focused activities that reflect the realities of present day management. The modules have been chosen because we recognise that the primary goal of management is to ensure viable and continuing organisations. Successful completion will provide you with the skills and knowledge to think strategically in both financial and management terms.

MSc Accounting and Financial Management (Full Programme - Category I)

英國格魯斯特大學(University of Gloucestershire)格羅斯特郡大學位于英國西南地區(qū),地處風景秀麗的Cotswolds。學校有四個校園,3個校區(qū)在切爾滕納姆Cheltenham,1個位于格羅斯特Gloucester。學生可以乘坐免費校車來往于四個校園之間。目前共有四個主要的校區(qū),擁有全日制和非全日制學生9500多名,開設(shè)的研究生和本科生課程范圍廣泛,包括會計和金融管理、商業(yè)、多媒體、營銷學、環(huán)境管理、風景管理、水資源管理、運動發(fā)展、酒店學、廣播新聞學、美國研究、歷史、廣告學和教育學。
