F5-9 分季機(jī)考變化

We’re making some changes to our session CBEs from March 2017 to provide students with more flexibility in their exam choices and continue to ensure all students receive a fair and equal exam.
Increasing flexibility – two exam sittings per day
At exam centres across the UK and Europe, students will be able to select an exam time that best suits them as exams across these countries will have two start times – providing even more flexibility to our exam schedule.
Two students taking the same exam may face a different set of questions, just as they do in our on-demand CBEs.  We will be using industry standard techniques to make sure all students sit a secure and equivalent exam, and continue to receive results which remain fair and reliable.
Exam duration increasing to three hours 20 minutes
Students taking session CBEs will now have three hours 20 minutes to complete the exam (plus up to 10 minutes to read the exam instructions), as we are introducing additional questions to session CBEs. These extra questions are referred to by the technical term ‘seeded questions’ and do not contribute to a student’s result but are added to ensure all exams now and in the future are fair and equal.
As a result, starting March 2017, session CBEs will contain 110 marks of exam content:
·100 marks contributing to the student result, and
· 100分計(jì)入學(xué)員成績
·10 marks of seeded content which will not contribute to a student’s overall mark.
· 10分種子題不計(jì)入學(xué)員成績
The 10 marks of seeded content will either be randomly distributed within section A of the exam, five single OT questions, or within section B of the exam, five OT questions based around a single scenario. Students will not be able to determine which questions are the seeded content and all questions are quality assured and set to the same standard as the rest of the exam.
What do students need to do?
Students prepare for these exams in exactly the same way as before, answering all of the questions to the best of their ability. The additional time for the exam will mean that students have exactly the same time for each questions. Further information about these changes that will take effect from March 2017 are in the FAQs below.
Changes to Session CBEs: FAQs
什么是“種子題”?What is ‘seeding’?
The practice of ‘seeding’ is the inclusion of questions in an exam that do not contribute to a student’s result.
Seeded content is a best practice method of ensuring that our students continue to sit fair and equal exams, and receive reliable results. This is another reason why the ACCA Qualification will continue to be recognised on more education frameworks and by more regulators and professional bodies than any other accountancy body - keeping our students and members relevant and in-demand.
Why has ACCA introduced seeding and other exam security methods?
Seeding is one element of ACCA’s approach to ensuring all exams are fair. Many professional bodies within and outside of the accountancy sector have adopted this approach.
Seeded questions are included in the exam for quality assurance and security purposes. Our exam security and quality assurance arrangements, including students receiving different questions within the same exam, allow us to offer session CBEs at multiple times and venues across the world without compromising the standard or security of the exam.  By adopting this approach we can be sure that all exams are balanced to an equal standard, not put any students at unfair advantage and continue to offer the number one professional accountancy qualification.
Will I know which questions are the ‘seeded content’?
The 10 marks of seeded content will either be one Objective Test (OT) case (five OT questions based around a single scenario) or five singular OTs. Students will not be informed and will not be able to determine which questions are the seeded questions, as they are randomly distributed within the exam.
How can I be assured that seeded questions will not disadvantage me in my exam?
The exam will be 3 hours and 20 minutes. Three hours of this is allocated to the marked exam and 20 minutes for the seeded questions. Students will not be disadvantaged as they have been allocated the extra time to complete these questions. All questions in the exam, including the seeded questions, have been quality assured by our examining teams and been set to the same standard as the rest of the exam.
Do I need to study or revise any different material that I would otherwise for that exam?
No, the seeded questions, like the other questions in the exam, can be taken from any syllabus area so students should continue to study and revise the entire syllabus guide for both the paper and computer based exam.
Why have seeding and other exam security measures been introduced in computer based exams and not paper-based exams for F5–F9?
為什么在機(jī)考中引入了種子題和其他考試安全措施,卻沒有在F5 - F9科目的筆試中引入此類措施?
The paper-based exams have a robust quality assurance process that is appropriate for that mode of delivery. Unlike the paper-based exams, session CBEs at some locations will be available at multiple times during the day. As a result, different quality assurance measures are required to ensure that all students receive a fair result.

2017 ACCA學(xué)習(xí)資料大禮包(內(nèi)含ACCA歷年真題、考官文章、考官報(bào)告、備考寶典等實(shí)用學(xué)習(xí)資料),關(guān)注微信公眾號(hào):澤稷網(wǎng)??加颜搲↖D:zejiacca)即可領(lǐng)?。?/span>