
財務報表分析這里其實大家只要把握住一個基本的線路就可以了,首先就是理解每一項業(yè)務的基本處理方式,這里我們不需要記憶T賬戶的記錄法,而是只需要記憶一項會計業(yè)務對資產負債和 利潤表有個大體的影響就夠了。



1.  Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. A company entered into a three-year construction project with a total contract price of $5.3 million and expected cost of $4.4 million.

What is the cumulative effect of the contract on the cash balance that would have been recorded on the company's balance sheet at the end of Year 2 using the:

Correct answer = A  The amount of cash recorded is identical for both methods and is equal to the total cash received less total costs incurred. At the end of Year 2, a total of $4 million had been billed and collected but only $3.6 million in costs had been incurred.


2.  如果當estimate useful life 變長和salvage value變大的情況下,relative life變小。

Solution:這個表述修改為relative life變小。我們有一個公式是這樣的

estimate useful life變長和salvage value變大的情況,根據(jù)ST的公式,depreciation會變小。accumulated 自然會變小。根據(jù)公式使得relative life變小。

3.  Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. The Regional Bank of Australia receives interest income on the loans it has outstanding. Durango Manufacturing Inc. also receives interest income on some surplus funds they currently have invested in corporate bonds. For each company, respectively, the interest income they receive would be classified as which type of business activity for financial reporting purposes?

Correct answer = B 很多考生質疑,為什么制造公司的利息收入答案選擇的是投資活動現(xiàn)金流量。那么這道題目的考點不是在考現(xiàn)金流的歸類,我們看下題目中的問題:the interest income they receive would be classified as which type of business activity for financial reporting purposes。這個問題問的是在income statement中,這個行為是應該記為operating item還是nonoperating item?

在原版書第三冊中說道:對于nonfinancing company,所有的interest和dividend都是被看做nonoperating item;但是financing firm,都是視為operating item。這道題目的考點不是cash flow statement中的那些經(jīng)營性,投資性行為,而是for financial reporting purposes,在I/S報表中是operating item還是nonoperating item。

4.  收入的確認方法補充

1)  Under U.S. GAAP

對于long term contract,可以選用POC和CC——此處定為考點,請重點掌握。對于short term contract,可以選用一手交錢,一手交貨;installment sales或者是cost recovery。

2) Under IFRS,對于long term contract,只有POC那么如果遇到長期合同,與美國準則下CC相似的情況,在國際準則下選用收入的確認不超過成本,最后才確認毛利。其它與美國準則一樣。

3) 那么installment sales和cost recovery如何區(qū)分假如:ABC firm considered the initial investment by the buyer was not substantial enough to warrant full recognition of the gain。

If  the recovery of cost is assured if default.也就是說就算是default,公司也能確認cost是可以recovery的。所以題目中有這樣的描述就是installment sales;

如果沒有這樣的描述,那么就是cost recovery。Cost recovery較謹慎。例:Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. On June 15, 2007, a short term agreement was entered in to sell the property and automatic equipment of ABC firm for USD 100,000. As the result of this sale, the subsidiary will no longer offer sales of title insurance or real estate closing servicing. ABC firm considered the initial investment by the buyer was not substantial enough to warrant full recognition of the gain. However, the recovery of the cost of the property is reasonably assured if the buyer defaults. Which of the revenue recognition method will be the most appropriate?用installment sales method

5.  FCFF的計算

考試時請看清題目中給的提示:如果是在IFRS下,題目中又說了,int. exp不是作為CFO的,那么在公式中就不需要加int(1-t)

6.  什么是non-cash charge——關鍵就是看有沒有現(xiàn)金流

1) Assume U.S. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) applies unless otherwise noted. Schneider Candy Company sold long-term notes receivable to Amerisoft, and simultaneously bought a fixed asset from Amerisoft, which both assets have the same fair value. Which of the following statement is most likely accurate?

這個題目說的是賣掉long-term notes receivable,即刻買固定資產,是對于同一個企業(yè)Amerisoft,所以this transaction does not affect cash flow statement; it could be listed in the footnotes in the cash flow statement.

2)假設改成Schneider Candy Company issued bond using proceeds to bought a fixed asset from Amerisoft, which both assets have the same fair value. Which of the following statement is most likely accurate?

這個題目說的是issued bond,proceeds(有現(xiàn)金流了)后購買固定資產,所以肯定存在現(xiàn)金流,是CFF增加,CFI減小。就算是對于同樣一個公司,也一樣是產生了現(xiàn)金流.

3)假設Issue bond use acquired to purchase plant這個動作沒有現(xiàn)金流的流進流出,是not affect cash flow statement.

4)還有一種是Issue bond use proceeds to repurchase stock這個動作是一部分CFF減少;還有一部分CFF的增加

7.  revaluation和reverse

1) U.S. GAAP:對于任何資產都沒有revaluation,特殊——有活躍的交易市場的礦藏,貴金屬,森林,農副產品

2) IFRS:都可以revaluation,特殊——inventory,但是inventory里的有活躍交易市場的礦藏可以

3) U.S. GAAP:所有資產都沒不能reverse,特殊——held for sale的資產

4) IFRS:都可以reverse,特殊——inventory只能回轉到Book Value,但inventory里的有活躍交易市場的礦藏可以回轉到Fair Value。
