






8 Personalities of ACCA Students

1.The Riddler(老師之寶ACCA狗)


You’re the class Hermione,with your right arm constantly locked in the Question Asking Position and your brain tuned in on Rapid Question Mode.You may be the recipient of the occasional frowns from your classmates,but you’re the one who walks away with all the answers at the end of the day.

2.The Class Clown(逗逼ACCA狗)

You’re the person who beats the stress by cracking all the jokes,and that’s why people gravitate towards you.你善用逗比精神迎接ACCA備考的壓力與挑戰(zhàn),給大家?guī)須g樂!獲得大家的歡迎~~

3.The I-didn’t-study-but-am-still-going-to-pass Student(天才ACCA狗)

You are the envy of your classmates for your apparent superpower of passing ACCA exams without breaking a sweat.Just remember...with great power,comes great responsibility.

4.The Textbook(學(xué)神ACCA狗)


You know every formula,theory and concept.You’ve memorised past year questions and can recite financial reporting standards the way rappers rap.Your brain is a powerhouse,both revered and feared by your classmates.

5.The Last Minuter(ACCA拖延狗)


You don’t believe in planning ahead because life is meant to be lived.Hey,YOLO right?People of this personality tend to thrive under last-minute pressures,and usually try to befriend The Textbook(sometimes with little success).

6.The Exchange Student(ACCA蒙逼狗)

當(dāng)你第一次來到ACCA班上課的時候,你感覺大家拿著的是一本天書,乘著火箭看老師帶你在云霧里穿梭,兩個字懵逼??!what fxck am i reading.jpg

You can’t seem to understand what is being taught in class,almost as if the lecture is in a foreign language.You’re too timid to ask questions,though,because everyone else is nodding their heads in understanding.

7.The Zombie(逃課ACCA狗)


You’re almost always absent from class,but you turn up at the exam hall calm as a clam.As yet,no one has been able to figure out how you managed to pass your ACCA exams.

8.The Bestseller(炫邁ACCA狗,停不下來)


You’re seen to be scribbling furiously into your answer sheet throughout the 3-hour exam without any breaks,which stumps your classmates who can barely write a paragraph.A natural novelist,your writing stamina inspires much affront and panic in the exam hall!
