
       一、Foundations of Risk Management






       Chapter 1.The Building Blocks of Risk Management

       Chapter 2.How Do Firms Manage Financial Risk?

       Chapter 3.The Governance of Risk Management

       Chapter 4.Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms

       Chapter 5.Modern Portfolio Theory(MPT)and the Capital Asset Pricing Model(CAPM)

       Chapter 6.The Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return

       Chapter 7.Principles for E?ective Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting

       Chapter 8.Enterprise Risk Management and Future Trends

       Chapter 9.Learning from Financial Disasters

       Chapter 10.Anatomy of the Great Financial Crisis

       Chapter 11.GARP Code of Conduct













       較之過往教材,今年FRM®教材每一個(gè)章節(jié)的名字都做了變動(有且只有Chapter 11.GARP Code of Conduct.的名稱以及考綱內(nèi)容沒有變動)。事實(shí)上,不僅章節(jié)名字和過去不一樣,每一章的具體內(nèi)容也發(fā)生了巨大的變化,章節(jié)之間的內(nèi)容重新做了整合,也新增了很多內(nèi)容,比如第4章就是本次教材改寫后新增的。






       二、Quantitative Analysis






       •Chapter 1.Fundamentals of Probability

       •Chapter 2.Random Variables

       •Chapter 3.Common Univariate Random Variables

       •Chapter 4.Multivariate Random Variables

       •Chapter 5.Sample Moments

       •Chapter 6.Hypothesis Testing

       •Chapter 7.Linear Regression

       •Chapter 8.Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables

       •Chapter 9.Regression Diagnostics

       •Chapter 10.Stationary Time Series

       •Chapter 11.Nonstationary Time Series

       •Chapter 12.Measuring Returns,Volatility and Correlation

       •Chapter 13.Simulation and Bootstrapping


       ?第一部分Probability&Statistics(Chapter 1-Chapter 6)


       •新增Describe an event and an event space.

       •新增Define and calculate a conditional probability.

       •新增Characterize the quantile function and quantile-based estimators.

       •新增interquartile range.

       •新增Law of large numbers.

       ?第二部分Linear Regression(Chapter 7-Chapter 11)

       前三個(gè)Chapter分別講了回歸的基本知識,一元回歸,多元回歸和回歸中容易遇到的問題。后兩個(gè)Chapter為time series。知識點(diǎn)和以前相似。

       第三部分simulation,volatilities and correlation(Chapter 12-Chapter 13)

       Simulation部分變化不大,仍是Monte Carlo simulation,bootstrapping和pseudo-random number generation。


       Volatility部分變化也很大。刪除EWMA,GARCH和volatility term structure相關(guān)內(nèi)容。


       •Calculate,distinguish and convert between simple and continuously compounded returns.

       •Describe how the first two moments may be insufficient to describe non-normal distributions.

       •Explain how the Jarque-Bera test is used to determine whether returns are normally distributed.

       •Define correlation and covariance and differentiate between correlation and dependence.

       •Describe properties of correlations between normally distributed variables when using a one-factor model.


       2020年數(shù)量這門課結(jié)構(gòu)上有很大改變,知識點(diǎn)與以前重合度很高,但是仍有很多新增和刪減的內(nèi)容。學(xué)科占比不變,但是數(shù)量是其他學(xué)科的基礎(chǔ),同學(xué)們在學(xué)習(xí)的時(shí)候要給與足夠的重視?!?a >FRM電子版?zhèn)淇紝W(xué)習(xí)資料】



       三、Financial Markets and Products




       •Chapter 1.Banks

       •Chapter 2.Insurance Companies and Pension Plans

       •Chapter 3.Fund Management

       •Chapter 4.Introduction to Derivatives

       •Chapter 5.Exchanges and OTC Markets

       •Chapter 6.Central Clearing

       •Chapter 7.Futures Markets

       •Chapter 8.Using Futures for Hedging

       •Chapter 9.Foreign Exchange Markets

       •Chapter 10.Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures

       •Chapter 11.Commodity Forwards and Futures

       •Chapter 12.Options Markets

       •Chapter 13.Properties of Options

       •Chapter 14.Trading Strategies

       •Chapter 15.Exotic Options

       •Chapter 16.Properties of Interest Rates

       •Chapter 17.Corporate Bonds

       •Chapter 18.Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities

       •Chapter 19.Interest Rate Futures

       •Chapter 20.Swaps

       ?Chapter 1-3提供了金融市場的背景介紹,分別介紹了銀行,保險(xiǎn)和基金。Chapter 1介紹了商業(yè)和投資銀行業(yè)務(wù)的結(jié)構(gòu),銀行的監(jiān)管方式,風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的性質(zhì),資本在提供緩沖損失方面的作用以及證券化MBS的處理。

       新增了Summarize Basel Committee regulations for regulatory capital and their motivations.

       Chapter 2介紹了保險(xiǎn)公司所面臨的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)和法規(guī),資本要求和績效比率,以及養(yǎng)老金的類型和主要特征。Chapter 3介紹了各種基金的基本知識。

       ?Chapter 4-9介紹了金融市場的衍生品。

       Chapter 4介紹了options,forwards,and futures,以及衍生品市場和市場參與者所面臨的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。Chapter 5描述了交易所交易和場外交易市場。Chapter 6探討了CCPs,以及CCPs面臨的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)類型。Chapter 7-8介紹了期貨市場以及如何將期貨用于對沖。Chapter 9介紹了外匯市場,估算外匯風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的方法,使用期權(quán)的多貨幣對沖策略,以及利率平價(jià)公式。

       ?Chapter 10-15更加深入仔細(xì)的討論了各種衍生品。

       Chapter 10-11具體介紹了forwards和futures,包括他們的定價(jià)和確定commodity forwards和futures的無套利價(jià)值。Chapter 12-15具體介紹了options及其在風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理中的用途,包括不同options的特征,市場機(jī)制,多期權(quán)和對沖策略以及exotic options。

       ?Chapter 16-18討論了利率和兩類重要的固定收益證券。

       Chapter 16介紹了利率的性質(zhì),并解釋了債券的估值,期限和凸度,以及遠(yuǎn)期利率協(xié)議的定價(jià)以及期限結(jié)構(gòu)的理論。這一章去年是放在forward和futures定價(jià)之前講到的,今年換了順序挪到了后面。Chapter 17介紹公司債券,類型,特征,以及信用等級。Chapter 18講了mortgages,解釋MBS pools,以及mortgage pool metrics的預(yù)付款建模和計(jì)算。這兩章的內(nèi)容我們會在Valuation那門課中進(jìn)行講解。

       ?Chapter 19-20探討了兩個(gè)衍生工具:interest rate futures和swaps。

       Chapter 19介紹了利率和國債與futures和forward prices的關(guān)系,并討論了在對沖中使用interest rate futures。Chapter 20描述了swaps的機(jī)制,類型和定價(jià)。這兩章去年是在前面介紹option之前講到的,今年把順序挪到了最后。



       四、Valuation and risk models





       Chapter 2.Calculating and Applying VaR

       Describe and explain the historical simulation approach for computing VaR and ES

       Chapter 3.Measuring and Monitoring Volatility

       Apply the exponentially weighted moving average(EWMA)approach and the GARCH(1,1)model to estimate volatility.

       Explain and apply approaches to estimate long horizon volatility/VaR and describe the process of mean reversion according to a GARCH(1,1)model.

       Describe an example of updating correlation estimates.

       Chapter 4.External and Internal Credit Ratings

       Define and use the hazard rate to calculate unconditional default probability of a credit asset.

       Define recovery rate and calculate the expected loss from a loan.

       Describe alternative methods to credit ratings produced by rating agencies.

       Explain historical failures and potential challenges to the use of credit ratings in making investment decisions.

       Chapter 6.Measuring Credit Risk

       Describe the Gaussian copula model and its application.

       Describe and apply the Vasicek model to estimate default rate and credit risk capital for a bank.

       Describe the CreditMetrics model and explain how it is applied in estimating economic capital.

       Chapter 10.Interest Rates

       Describe overnight indexed swap(OIS)and distinguish OIS rates from LIBOR swap rates.


       Chapter 4.External and Internal Credit Ratings

       Describe the process for and issues with building,calibrating,and backtesting an internal rating system.

       Identify and describe the biases that may affect a rating system.


       Chapter 5.Country Risk:Determinants,Measures,and Implications

       Describe characteristics of sovereign credit spreads and sovereign credit default swap(CDS)and compare the use of sovereign spreads to credit ratings.(2020)

       Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using the sovereign default spread as a predictor of defaults.(2019)

       Chapter 7.Operational Risk

       Describe the different categories of operational risk and explain how each type of risk can arise.Compare the basic indicator approach,the standardized approach and the advanced measurement approach for calculating operational risk regulatory capital.(2020)

       Describe the standardized measurement approach and explain the reasons for its introduction by the Basel committee.(2020)

       Compare three approaches for calculating regulatory capital.(2019)

       Describe the Basel Committee’s seven categories of operational risk.(2019)


       從章節(jié)名稱上看,估值這門課沒有太大的變化,個(gè)別章節(jié)的內(nèi)容上略微有所增減??傮w來說,新增的知識點(diǎn),Chapter 2新增知識點(diǎn)原屬于二級市場風(fēng)險(xiǎn),Chapter 6新增知識點(diǎn)也將原先二級的知識整合到了這門課中,加深了這門課的難度。

       Chapter 3將原來一級數(shù)量中的EWMA和GARCH模型移到了估值這門課,使得模型和實(shí)際運(yùn)用更為貼切。

       Chapter 10在原先各大利率的基礎(chǔ)上增加了對OIS和LIBOR的擴(kuò)充,使得整個(gè)利率體系更加完整。LOS替換部分,沒有較大的實(shí)質(zhì)性變化。雖然協(xié)會替換了參考書目,但總體來說影響不大,因?yàn)橹饕婕暗目键c(diǎn)并沒有發(fā)生過多變化,重點(diǎn)章節(jié)無過多改變。


