
CFA?二級固收單科提分 掃二維碼繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)


  • 第 1 章 : Study Session 12. Fixed Income (1)
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 34. The Term Structure and Interest Rate Dynamics
  • 課時1:Introduction 16:56
  • 課時2:Spot Rates and Forward Rates (1) 31:35
  • 課時3:Spot Rates and Forward Rates (2) 42:22
  • 課時4:Par Curve-20190311 15:22
  • 課時5:YTM, Spot Rates, Expected and Realized Returns 62:30
  • 課時6:Active Bond Portfolio Management 35:52
  • 課時7:The Swap Rate Curve 18:16
  • 課時8:The Swap Rate Curve(2) 22:42
  • 課時9:Theories of The Term Structure of Interest Rates 40:22
  • 課時10:Theories of The Term Structure of Interest Rates(2) 17:19
  • 課時11:Yield Curve Factor Models 56:53
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 35. The Arbitrage-Free Valuation Framework
  • 課時12:The Arbitrage-Free Valuation Framework 47:16
  • 課時13:The Arbitrage-Free Valuation Framework 10:25
  • 第 2 章 : Study Session 13. Fixed Income (2)
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 36. Valuation and Analysis: Bonds with Embedded Options
  • 課時14:Types of Embedded Options 33:31
  • 課時15:Valuation of Default-Free Embedded Option Bonds(1) 39:16
  • 課時16:Valuation of Default-Free Embedded Option Bonds(2) 31:12
  • 課時17:Valuation of Risky Embedded Option Bonds 28:20
  • 課時18:Durations of Embedded Option Bonds 39:19
  • 課時19:Durations of Embedded Option Bonds(2) 44:59
  • 課時20:Capped and Floored Floating-Rate Bonds 19:58
  • 課時21:Convertible Bonds 38:17
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 37. Credit Analysis Models
  • 課時22:Modeling Credit Risk and The Credit Valuation Adjustment 67:04
  • 課時23:Credit Scores and Credit Ratings 22:25
  • 課時24:Structural and Reduced Form Credit Models(1) 19:01
  • 課時25:Structural and Reduced Form Credit Models(2) 09:25
  • 課時26:Valuing Risky Bonds in an Arbitrage-Free Framework(1) 31:19
  • 課時27:Valuing Risky Bonds in an Arbitrage-Free Framework(2) 35:10
  • 課時28:Credit Spreads 45:44
  • 課時29:Credit Analysis for Securitized Debt 25:07
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 38. Credit Default Swaps
  • 課時30:Credit Default Swaps 30:11
  • 課時31:Basic Pricing Concepts 34:28
  • 課時32:Application of CDS 29:08