財報 通關(guān)學習包(李老師主講) 掃二維碼繼續(xù)學習


  • 財報 考試通關(guān)學習包(李老師主講)
  • Reading 15: Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction
  • 免費 課時1:Introduction 12:54
  • 課時2:Major Financial Statements and other Information sources 38:43
  • 課時3:Financial Statement Analysis Framework and Review 03:33
  • Reading 16:Financial Reporting Standards
  • 課時4:Standard-Setting bodies and Covergence of Global Standards 09:37
  • 課時5:The International Financial Reporting Standards Framework 39:42
  • Reading 17: Understanding Income Statement
  • 課時6:Components and Format of the Income Statement 40:10
  • 課時7:Revenue Recognition 07:35
  • 課時8:Expense Recognition,Non-recurring Items and Non-operating Items 12:02
  • 課時9:Earning Per Share 31:35
  • 課時10:Basic EPS and Diluted EPS 43:45
  • 課時11:Comprehensive Income and Topic Reiew 09:53
  • Reading 18: Understanding Balance Sheet
  • 課時12:Components and Format of the Balance Sheet 11:36
  • 課時13:Current and Non-Current Asstes 34:22
  • 課時14:Current and Non-Current Liabilities 10:46
  • 課時15:Equity 25:35
  • Reading 19: Understanding Cash Flow Statement
  • 課時16:Introduction and Types of Cash Flows 18:01
  • 課時17:US GAAP vs IFRS And CFO Calculation 55:06
  • 課時18:CFI and CFF Calculation 21:01
  • 課時19:Cash Flow Statement Analysis amd Free Cash Flow Calculation 19:24
  • Reading 20:Financial Analysis Techniques
  • 課時20:Common Ratios Used in Financial Analysis 52:13
  • 課時21:Integrated Financial Ratio Analysis and Equity Analysis 25:42
  • 課時22:Credit Analysis, Model Building and Forecasting 08:50
  • Reading 21: Inventories
  • 課時23:Cost of Inventories and Inventory Valuation Methods 19:16
  • 課時24:Periodic versus Perpetual Inventory Systems,& Comparison of Inventory Valuation Methods 35:51
  • 課時25:The LIFO Method 26:16
  • 課時26:Inventory Adjustments and Evaluation of Inventory Management 21:11
  • Reading 22: Long-Lived Assets
  • 課時27:Acquisition of Long-Lived Assets-PP&E 21:50
  • 課時28:Acquisition of Long-Lived Assets-Intangible Asset 18:42
  • 課時29:Depreciation and Amortization of Long-Lived Assets 36:43
  • 課時30:The Revaluation Model 16:31
  • 課時31:Impairment of Assets 19:10
  • 課時32:Investment Property 10:55
  • 課時33:Derecongnition and Analyzing of Long-Lived Assets 12:01
  • Reading 23: Income Taxes
  • 課時34:Differences Between Accounting Profit and Taxable Income 40:28
  • 課時35:Determining the Tax Base of Assets and Liabilities:An Example 26:50
  • 課時36:Temporary and Permanent Difference Between Taxable and Accounting Profit 35:44
  • Reading 24: Non-Current (Long-Term) Liabilities
  • 課時37:Accounting for Bond Amortization-Part One 55:51
  • 課時38:Accounting for Bond Amortization-Part Two 40:25
  • 課時39:Fair Value Reporting Option, Derecognition,and Debt Covenants 19:18
  • 課時40:Leases 58:58
  • 課時41:Pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits 25:34
  • Reading 25: Financial Reporting Quality
  • 課時42:Conceptual Overview and Context for Financial Reporting Quality 31:49
  • 課時43:Detection of Financial Reporting Quality Issues 33:39
  • Reading 26:Financial Statement Analysis: Applications
  • 課時44:Evaluating Past Financial Performance and Projecting Future Financial Performance 16:36
  • 課時45:Assessing Credit Risk and Screening for Potential Equity Investments 09:05
  • 課時46:Analyst Adjustments to Reported Financials 19:11
  • 財報 重難點講解
  • 課時47:財報—資產(chǎn)減值 74:52
  • 課時48:財報—EPS的計算 65:24
  • 課時49:財報—經(jīng)營性現(xiàn)金流計算 60:14
  • 課時50:財報—存貨 60:10
  • 課時51:財報—遞延所得稅 60:19
  • 課時52:財報—長期資產(chǎn) 57:02
  • 課時53:財報—長期負債 54:16